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Josefin Arnell

1. Juni 2017, 14.00 Uhr Domgasse 1, Bildhauerei, Caitlyn Jenner Raum, 1.OG

Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Gastvortrag von Josefin Arnell (Schweden).

"After suffering a concussion in early 2016 Josfin Arnell took a break from editing her last film Mothership goes to Brazil. She embarked on a very different journeyby eating a fossil powder known as Diatomaceous earth. She thus created an internal sculpture, not only because of the promised detoxing effect, but also as an act of consuming history since the substance is supposedly older than dinosaurs.Arnell’s ongoing research into society’s obsession with physical and mental cleansing rituals reappears in a phenomenological form. She focuses on vomiting: the physical reaction to intoxication, bulimia, shame mixed with veiled pride after mastering a gag reflex, the pain felt by participants of a spiritual ceremony when vomiting to open up spiritual gateways.Arnell defines her presentations like a fashion designer shaping a collection: a series of interconnected works functioning within a greater whole. What if the methodology of metabolism contains beautiful nature scenes infused with horror and fear, mocking illusions and fed with cinematographic clichés."
Alix de Massiac

