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12.11.2016, 19.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 16.11. Kunstraum CHECH, Minsk, Weißrussland

Ausstellungsprojekt der Abteilungen BIldhauerei-transmedialer Raum
und Malerei und Grafik

In April 2016 a group of students from the University of Art and Design in Linz followed the invitation of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Moscow to do a research project: the Belarus kolkhosnitsa project. Within a week the young artists visited three collective farms (kolkhoz) around Minsk, met protagonists from these institutions and places and became entangled in an artistically understood form of agronomy. Back in Austria a process of classifying their materials (photos, videos, notes) started. The art works developed on the basis of this research are diverse, both thematically and formally. In terms of media they range from painting and graphic, to sculpture and performance. Regarding the artistic approach, the works are analytical and intuitive.  Some of the artists chose to deconstruct their impressions, while others preferred to arrange them in a more personal way, like a diary.

Performance „New Lifestyle“ von Alexandra Kahl, Atte Penttinen bei der Eröffnung
Special Event: 15. November, 15.00 Uhr, Yoga Performance „Думкі шум“ von Mariya Zhariy

Stefan Brandmayr and Felix Pöchacker visualize the recurring elements of Belarus everyday aesthetics and find a new interpretation in their installation “All the Yellows of the Egg“.  
Veronika Sengstbratl is interested in long and flat cuboids, big and round buildings, endless fields, brown soil and colorful fences. She was especially impressed by the kolkhozes´ architecture and wideness.
Atte Penttinen and Alexandra Kahl are mixing two elements that had been ever-present during the journey: milk and concrete.
Melanie Ludwig´s object  „Working Bodies“ addresses the relationship between human beings and machines.
Leo Lunger combines two journeys and two different political systems in the art piece „C“. He combines drawings he created in Minsk and New York into a frame.
Julia Zöhrer shows transparent layers with sketches of her travel to Belarus, as well as historical motives: history shines through.
Katharina Kaff presents eleven small paintings, all of which are revolving around the kolkhozes and their female workers, the kolkhoznizas. Kaff´s paintings are based on photos she found during the journey or were taken by the artist herself.  
The blue paintings of Sylvia Berndorfer feature the “heroine of work” as well as muddy puddles and concrete walls. All of her motives share a feeling of melancholia.
In course of the opening of the show Maria Zhariy will implant the seed of westernized yoga into the cultural center of a kolkhoz and offer a 50 minutes class.

This project is supported by the Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Sciences, University of Art and Design in Linz:
The Department of Sculpture and Transmedial Space (Univ.Prof.Tobias Urban) and The Department of Painting and Graphic Art (Univ.Prof. Ursula Hübner, Univ.Ass. Sabine Jelinek) in collaboration with The Austrian Cultural Forum Moscow (Director Mag. Simon Mraz)


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