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Sculpture Unlimited II

19. Mai 2015, 18.00 Uhr Seminarraum Bildhauerei, Kollegiumgasse 2

Die Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Buch-Launch und Umtrunk von "Sculpture Unlimited II" - Materiality in Times of Immateriality.

Mit Textbeiträgen von Mark Leckey, Timotheus Vermeulen, Christiane Sauer, Jussi Parikka, Nathalie Heinich, Jean-Francois lyotard und Bernard Blistène, Mark Fisher, Aleksandra Domanovic, Jörg Heiser und Eva Grubinger. (in englischer Sprache)

This is the second volume of Sculpture Unlimited. In the first, published in 2011, we looked at both the history and the status quo of contemporary sculptural practice. Sculpture Unlimited II is based on the contributions of the second Sculpture Unlimited Symposium, held at Kunstuniversität Linz in November 2014. It looks at the immediate present and possible future of materiality and sculpture in a broader socio-cultural realm. The book’s subtitle Materiality at Times of Immateriality includes “immateriality,” a notion that is made up of historical strata of philosophical, technological, and economic meaning. (Eva Grubinger, Jörg Heiser)
