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Videogastvortrag Ei Arakawa

13. April 2021, 18.00 Uhr ONLINE via Zoom

Die Abteilung Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Gastvortrag von Ei Arakawa.

Zoom meeting

Anfragen zu Passwort und Meeting-ID bitte an: thea.moeller@ufg.at
 (Betreff: meeting ID 24.11.)

Ei Arakawa
Born in 1977 in Fukushima, Japan. 
Arrived to the USA in 1998. Became a US citizen in 2019.
Currently lives and works in Los Angeles, USA.
Previously in: Honolulu Biennial (2019), Liverpool Biennial (2018), Sculpture Project Münster (2017), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2017), Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany (2017), The 9th Berlin Biennale, Germany (2016), Museum Brandhorst, Munich, Germany (2015), Gwangju Biennial, South Korea (2014), The Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland (2014), Whitney Biennial, New York (2014), Carnegie International, Pittsburgh, USA (2013), Mori Art Museum, Tokyo (2013), Guggenheim Museum, New York (2013), The Museum of Modern Art, New York (2013), Pavilion of Georgia, the 55th Venice Biennial, Italy (2013), Tate Modern, London (2012), 30th São Paulo Biennial, Brazil (2012), Le Printemps de Septembre, Toulouse, France (2011), Yokohama Triennial (2008), Performa, New York (2007), Echigo-Tsumari Triennial (2006)

© Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum