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Videogastvortrag Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

24. November 2020, 16.00 Uhr zoom.us

Die Abteilung Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Gastvortrag von Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

Zoom meeting

Anfragen zu Passwort und Meeting-ID bitte an: thea.moeller@ufg.at
(Betreff: meeting ID 24.11.)

Working across various mediums including sculpture, printmaking, ceramics and painting, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy’s (*1984, New York; lives and works in Paris) allegiance is not fixed to a single medium but depends on their shared developments in form and a simultaneity in practice.

Embracing the spirit of collaboration as a means to expand knowledge and skills, the breadth of techniques and references used across his practice are the result of many collaborative ventures. Where his ceramics are influenced by working with artists in Europe and Brazil, his large-scale paintings unearth his fascination with the refined, sophisticated and carnal painting style of the 18th century.

At the core of Lutz-Kinoy’s practice is performance. Influenced by histories of queer and collaborative practice as well as his background in theatre and choreography, his live work explores the interplay of narratives that are created and constructed between individuals and social spaces.

Constantly reflecting on his own position as an artist, Lutz-Kinoy places himself at the core of his practice – enabling him to manipulate and direct, whilst simultaneously undermining his own role as artist within the production of his work.

His recent shows include Scalable Skeletal Escalator, with Isabel Lewis, Kunsthalle Zurich (2020); sculpturegarden, Geneva Biennale (2020); Hudson Bathers, Mendes Wood DM, New York, USA (2019); Sea Spray, Vleeshal, Middelburg (2018); The Meadow, Le Centre d’édition Contemporaine, Geneva (2018); Southern Garden of the Château Bellevue, Le Consortium, Dijon (2018); Song And Love, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy & Ola Vasiljeva, Indipendenza, Rome (2018).


Matthew Lutz- Kinoy, Installation view, Window to the clouds at Museum Frieder Burda Salon Berlin, 2020

Plakat zum Videogastvortrag Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, November 2020