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Videogastvortrag Irina Korina

16. Juni 2020, 16.30 Uhr zoom.us

Die Abteilung Experimentelle Gestaltung lädt per Videomeeting zum Gastvortrag von Irina Korina.

Thema: Zoom-Meeting von Anna Jermolaewa
Anfragen zu Passwort und Meeting-ID bitte an: christine.winner@ufg.at


Irina Korina
Born in Moscow in 1977. Graduated  from Russian Academy of Theatre Arts in 2000 (faculty of stage design)  and Institute of Comtemporary Art, Moscow. Took part in the Valand  Academy exchange program (Sweden). In 2002-2005 studied in the Academy  of Fine Arts Vienna (Austria). 
She takes part in exhibitions and works in theatre since 1999. In  1999 she was a laureate of theatre prize “Debut”. Three times laureate  of annual Russian professional prize “Soratnik” (2006, 2009, 2012). In  2008 and 2015 received state contemporary art prize “Innovation”. In  2012 won Terna prize.

On Vacation Tretyakov gallery ph Anastasia Soboleva 05, 300x200, 2019

Articulus et-Bahila, 300x214, 2018