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Time(less) Signs

30.Sept.2014 bis 9.Jän.2015

Otto Neurathand Reflectionsin AustrianContemporary Art

How do artists relate to today’s visual language?
Signs, icons and ideograms determine our daily communication; pictographic guidance systems dominate public space. Much of what we understand as visual language originates in Otto Neurath’s Vienna Method of Pictorial Statistics, later known as ISOTYPE (International System of Typographic Picture Education).
This multi-media exhibition, curated by Maria Christine Holter and Christopher Burke, features over 30 contributions from renowned contemporary Austria based artists, whose work is either directly or indirectly inspired by Neurath. The exhibition presents various artistic strategies for using pictograms and pictorial statistics to visualise political, social, global or purely individual agendas. Original works by social economist and Vienna Circle philosopher Neurath (1882 Vienna – 1945 Oxford) will feature alongside contemporary pieces.

Participating artists:
Bernhard Cella, Ilse Chlan, Hazem El Mestikawy, Nikolaus Gansterer, Wilfried Gerstel, Christoph Hinterhuber, Barbara Höller, Christian Hutzinger (Lehrbeauftragter der Abteilung textil·kunst·design/ Kunstuniversität Linz), Martin Kaltenbrunner et al., Karl-Heinz Klopf, Matthias Klos, Lena Knilli, Clemens Kogler / Karo Szmit, Richard Kriesche, Gert Linke, open3.at, Bernd Oppl, Olaf Osten, Hermann Josef Painitz, Waltraud Palme, Andrea Ressi, Christian Rupp, Sito Schwarzenberger, Niko Wahl, Michael Wegerer, Peter Weibel, Jun Yang and Anthony Burrill (UK)


Christian Hutzinger