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Onlinetalk mit Jesse Howard

24. November 2022, 17.30 bis 18.30 Uhr ONLINE

Die Abteilung Design & Technik lädt zum Online-Vortrag von Jesse Howard ein.

Meeting-Link: kuni-linz.webex.com/kuni-linz
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2731 340 1432
Passwort: WVbH3KaSk25

Der in Holland, Amsterdam lebende Künstler, Designer und Lehrende Jesse Howard wird einen Vortrag zum Thema Open Source in englischer Sprache halten und Einblick in seine künstlerische Praxis geben.

Jesse Howard is a designer, researcher, and educator based in Amsterdam. His work focuses on reimagining everyday objects in response to new forms of digital fabrication, distributed development, and DIY communities. As an initiator of the ongoing collaborative platform Hacking Households, his research often centers around a close investigation on how the tools and practices of open source software development could serve as models for new networks and systems of production. After earning a degree in mathematics from Colorado College, Jesse relocated to the Netherlands, and graduated from the designLAB at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2011.

Siehe weiter: jessehoward.net


Plakat zum Onlinetalk mit Jesse Howard

"cloning objects" © Jesse Howard

"Open Structures Waterboiler" © Jesse Howard

"Hacking Household" © Jesse Howard

"OS Diagram" © Jesse Howard