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Vernissage: 28. Mai 2009, 18.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Aula, Hauptplatz, 4010 Linz

Ausstellungsdauer: 28. Mai 2009 bis 3. Juni 2009

Projektpräsentation von Studierendenarbeiten aus "Art & Politics" unter der Leitung von Dr. Mika Cho, Gastprofessorin, California State University, CA

In diesem Projekt (Kunst und Politik) sind die StudentInnen aufgefordert über die ästhetische, soziale, politische, kulturelle und ökologische Bedeutung der Kunst zu recherchieren. In diesem Zusammenhang werden Themen wie Religion, Politik, Geschlecht, Alter oder Gewalt behandelt. Im Vordergrund des Seminars stehen die Auseinandersetzung mit den angesprochenen Themengebieten, die Entwicklung eines Konzepts und dessen praktische Umsetzung. Die Projektarbeiten der StudentInnen werden am 28. Mai 2009 im Rahmen einer Ausstellung in der Aula der Kunstuni präsentiert.

About the course: “Project BE, Art and Politics”

How we as contemporary citizens engage politics, inequality and the many other conflicts that besiege the world today? How we work to address or oppose, or to reveal and question commonly held ideas and concerns, such as romance and love, misery and hatred, desire, turmoil, injustice, paradox, consumption, protest or identity. What it means to be a good citizen in this ever-changing world? This Project BE Course (Art and Politics) is to investigate and identify aesthetical, social, political, cultural and ecological significance in art and life in general, and develop understanding of such issues.

Students are expected to research and examine chosen themes in depth. Propose, execute and communicate ideas through projects in this course, which address perennially divisive topics as race, religion, politics, gender, aging, or violence to reflect aesthetics and cultural-political values. The initial meeting will be held on the 30th of March for introduction of the course and planning, and end with an exhibition on the 28th of May. The student exhibition will be held at Aula, Kunstuni. All the students in the course must participate in the exhibition with their final products.

Beteiligte Studierende:
Gail Blahowsky, Elisabeth Eichler, Andreas Freudenthaler, Johannes Gangl, Petra Ganglbauer, David Kröswang, Roland Laimer, Adnan Nakicevic, Martina Pilz, David Pfeil, Barbara Weinberger, Reinhard Zach

Dr. Mika Cho

Art and Politics.pdf

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