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Publikationen Mirja Hiltunen

Hiltunen, Mirja. (2010): Slow Activism: Art in the progress in the North. in Aino Linjakumpu & Sandra Wallenius-Korkalo (eds.) Progress or Perish. Northern Perspectives on Social Change. Farnhamn, Suurrey: Ashgate, 119–138.

Hiltunen, M.(2009). Yhteisöllinen taidekasvatus. Performatiivisesti pohjoisissa sosiokulttuurisissa ympäristöissä. Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis 160, Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopistokustannus.
Available at:

Hiltunen, M. (2008). Community-based Art Education – a Space for agency? In Coutts, G. & Jokela, T. (eds.) Community, environment and Art. An educational perspective. Intellect Books.

Jokela, T. (2009). Kollaborative, projektorientierte Studien in der Kunstpädagogenausbildung. Ein handlungsorientierter Forschungsansatz. In: Carl-Peter Buschkühle, Joachim Kettel, Mario Urlaß
(Hgg.): Horizonte. Möglichkeitsräume einer künstlerischen Pädagogik. Beiträge zum Internationalen InSEA-Kongress horizons/horizonte. Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg und Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe,17.–20. Juli 2007. Oberhausen: Athena-Verlag.

Jokela, T. 2008a. Collaboratory Project-Based Studies in Art Teacher Education: An Environmental Perspective, in Art, Community and Environment: Educational Perspectives, edited by G. Coutts and T. Jokela. Bristol: Intellect Books, 217–240

Hiltunen, M. (2007). Embodied Experiences. Constructing a Collaborative Art Event in the Northern Environment.  Articles on Experiences 5 – Arts & Experience. Toim. Mika Kylänen & Anna Häkkinen. Lapland Centre of Expertise for the Experience Industry 2007. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland Printing Centre, 62–90.
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[PDF] Articles on Experiences 5 - Arts & Experiences. You are most welcome to the fifth Articles on Experiences ...
www.leofinland.fi -Lapin elämysteollisuuden osaamiskeskusArticles on Experiences 5 focuses on Arts & Experiences. The collection of ...
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Hiltunen, M. (2005). The Fire Fox. Multisensory approach to Art Education in Lapland.   International Journal of Education through Art.  1:2, pp. 161–177.

Jokela, T. & Hiltunen, M. (2003). Art pedagogical Projects in Northern Wilderness and Villages. Lifelong Learning in Europe. Vol. VIII, issue 2/ 2003, 26–31.