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Learning through Drawing

4. bis 7. Mai 2012 Sonnensteinstraße 11 – 13, 3. Stock, 4040 Linz Urfahr

Zeichenworkshop mit Eileen Adams in der Bildnerischen Erziehung und Mediengestaltung.

The workshop explores the purposes of drawing and how it can be used as a medium for learning. Students will experiment with different kinds of drawing, working individually, in pairs and in groups. They will consider the relationship between learning to draw and drawing to learn.

Eileen Adams is a consultant with broad experience, having been a teacher, teacher educator, researcher, consultant, examiner and writer. Her research interests have linked art, design and environmental education, which she shares through publications and extensive conference presentations in the UK and internationally. Her current work with The Campaign for Drawing focuses on the use of drawing as a medium for learning.

The Campaign for Drawing

Friday, May 4th, 9 a.m.
Drawing activities (icebreakers)
Lecture The Big Draw

Saturday, May 5th
Drawing activities (Big Draw type – individual, paired, group)
Lecture Drawing in secondary schools
Drawing activities  (perception, communication, invention, action)

Sunday, May 6th

Personal study
1. Make a collection of examples of drawing, culled from your own work, magazines, newspapers, the Internet or any other convenient sources to show a range of types of drawing.
2. Devise a series of drawing activities that include different types of drawing to develop skills of perception, communication, invention and action. These should include drawing by individuals and also collaborative drawing activities.

Monday, May 7th, 9 to 12 a.m.

Display, presentations and crit session
Discussion – learning through drawing

Workshop "Learning through Drawing".pdf

Information on Australian artist / illustrator, Shaun Tan. Interview  Australian radio:

Eileen Adams hat am Symposium [in&out] jugend.kultur.politik um 15.30 Uhr das Eröffnungsreferat gehalten.

Eileen Adams