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The Technological Imagination

13. Oktober 2011, 18.00 Uhr Hauptplatz, Hörsaal A

Das Lehramt Mediengestaltung lädt zum Vortrag von Anne Balsamo.

The Technological Imagination / Anne Balsamo
Anne Balsamo will elaborate on issues raised in her new book, Designing Culture: The Technological Imagination at Work.  The book calls for taking culture seriously in the design and development of innovation technologies. Balsamo asserts that the wellspring of technological innovation is the technological imagination.  In the book she examines three key sites for the cultural reproduction of the technological imagination:  the research university, the industrial research lab, and the science/technology center. Based on her experience as a designer of interactive exhibits during the past 15 years, she offers several lessons about the nature of innovation in contemporary culture.

Anne Balsamo teaches courses in interactive media, design research, and technology and culture at the University of Southern California (USC).   In 1998 she left academia to take a position as a techno-humanist in the RED Group at Xerox PARC-the famous research center of the Xerox Corporation.  In 2001, she and some of her colleagues from RED started a company called Onomy Labs-a make-tank that builds cultural technologies.  In 2004 she returned to academia to direct the Institute for Multimedia Literacy at USC.  She currently serves as director of emergent technologies and culture for the Annenberg Innovation Lab.

In Kooperation mit dem Institut für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz.

Anne Balsamo