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Geografie, Körper, Widerstand und Kunst

20. Juni 2024, 15.30 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, 4.Stock, Expostmusik

MKKT und Ästhetik und Pragmatik audiovisueller Medien laden zu Vortrag und Präsentation von Fatoş Irven.

Fatoş Irven
I am a feminist Kurdish comtemporary artist. I was born and raised in Suriçi Diyarbakır. I worked as an art trainer for years, but due to the policies implemented by the State I was suspended. I am a graduate of Dicle University Fine Arts Education – Painting Art. I am producing in Istanbul and Diyarakır. Gender, body politics, Justice, Ecology, Religion, Power and Domination are the issues that I am dealing with artistically. I deal with these issues in the context of their psychological effects. I create and produce the memory, unconscious, dreams, situations as a result of events, psychological tensions by reinterpreting the relationship between body and space. I mainly produce performative works. I continue painting.
Videoart, photography, installation etc. I use expression tools. I have been in many international group exhibitions; Iran, Germany -Berlin, Austria, Honkong, Iceland, France-Paris, Mexico, Iran-Tahran, Morocco, Stockholm, Turkey…


Plakat zum Vortrag von Fatoş Irven

Plakat zum Vortrag von Fatoş Irven