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beyond excessive noise

23. April 2013, 11.00-13.00 Uhr IC Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Pascal Dombis im Rahmen der Interface Cultues Invited Lecture Series. 

For more than 20 years, Pascal Dombis has been using computers and algorithms to produce excessive repetition of simple processes. By computationally reproducing a geometrical or typographical sign, he creates destructuring structures and develops irrational environments. He exploits the paradoxical coexistence of orderly control and chaotic aleatory forces to produce unpredictable, unstable and dynamic visual forms which he synthesizes into digital wall drawings, lenticular pieces or video installations.

In this lecture, Pascal Dombis will talk about his artist practice, discuss his latest projects and share his experiences working with commercial galleries in Europe & Asia.

Born in 1965. Lives & works in Paris, France
Pascal Dombis’ work has been exhibited in numerous shows across Europe, Asia and the United States. He is represented by galleries in Paris, Düsseldorf, Turin, Seoul & Hong Kong.

Upcoming exhibitions include:
, 55th Venice Biennal (Collateral Event), May > Oct.
Wonder Works
, The Cat Street Gallery, Hong Kong, May > Jun.
Oltre il sublime
, Trieste, IT, May > Jun.
Made in light!,
Fondation Victor Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, FR, Jun.
ArtShow Busan
, The Page Gallery, Busan, KR, Jun.
Scope Basel,
TZR Galerie, Basel, SW, Jun.


© Andres Von Lintel

© Carol Chan