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Feedback Interfaces and Encodings of Affect

21. November 2017, 12.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Ksenia Fedorova im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series

Biofeedback, machine vision and remote sensing technologies enhance and augment, but also simulate our image and sense of oneself and our relations with the others and with the environment. While allowing deeper and more intimate connection, they also become means for manipulation and control. I will focus on the procedures of sensing, representation and interpretation of sense data as they are performed by both the human and the machine. Specifically, I will discuss how the artworks by artists like Tina Gonsalves, Marco Donnarumma, Blast Theory group, Lauren McCarthy et al. help us understand better the psychological effects of the mechanisms of projection and recognition. This will be highlighted in the context of the precision/imprecision of translation and simulation in digital technology. My premise is that feedback loops with digitally mediated versions of ourselves place us in an intersubjective space that shifts our perspectives on the boundaries of the ‘self’, challenging and augmenting the very capacity of feeling human.

Ksenia Fedorova
is a media art researcher and curator. She holds Ph.D in Philosophy/Aesthetics (Ekaterinburg, St.Petersburg, RU) and PhD in Cultural Studies (University of California Davis). She is the co-editor of Media: Between Magic and Technology (Moscow-Ekaterinburg, 2014) and has published on the issues of the technological sublime, transmediality, proprioception, plasticity, feedback schemas in cybernetic theories, et al. in journals, such as Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Media & Culture Journal, Acoustic Space. She has been an initiator and curator of the “Art. Science. Technology” program at the Ural branch of the National Center for Contemporary Arts (Ekaterinburg, RU), has lectured in Russia, the U.S. and Austria, and was a member of the Jury of PRIX Ars Electronica 2012 and the selection committee for PRO&CONTRA 2012 symposium (Moscow).

Ksenia Fedorova