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16. Juni bis 25. August 2018 Science Gallery, Detroit USA

César Escudero Andaluz, Master-/ PhD-Student bei Interface Culture und Martín Nadal zeigen im Rahmen der Ausstellung ihre Arbeit „Bittercoin“.

Martín Nadal & César Escudero Andaluz (Linz, Austria)
Bittercoin is an old calculator machine hacked to be used as a miner validating the pending Bitcoin transactions in the blockchain. Bitcoin is a virtual currency that enables people to buy goods and services without using government backed currency like Euros or Dollars. Each new Bitcoin is generated by powerful computers using a mathematical process called mining. Bittercoin’s stated ambition is to be “the worst miner ever”. This fully functional miner connects to the blockchain, but works so slowly that it extends the time needed to produce a bitcoin to almost an eternity. The paper accumulating around the machine makes visible the amount of calculation required, and, more importantly, the natural resources wasted in the process.
