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LAFKON / Research + Development

10. Oktober, 16.00 bis 19.00 Uhr Kollegiumgasse 2, 3 Stock

Gastvortrag von Christoph Haag.

"Our development is a lot concerned with finding and building interfaces. Interfaces to software, data, information, users. Interfaces that are designed in a way that makes them remain re-configurable to function in ways not necessarily facilitated by the owner, administrator, or designer.* We enjoy exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities,* instead of learning the minimum necessary. This raises also the bar for our own design practise. We try to design systems, that are re-configurable to function in ways not necessarily facilitated by us."

LAFKON is a laboratory for graphic design occupied by Benjamin Stephan and Christoph Haag. Lately they have been doing practice-based research on generative processes as design tools and started to rebuild Deep Blue to work for them as a layout intern.

Christoph Haag studied design at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne / Department of Hybrid Space.

In October and November Christoph Haag is going to give a workshop at servus.at
one of the art-collectives in Linz.