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LJUDMILA // Mycophone and Liminal

17. Dezember 2013, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Interface Cultures lädt im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Lectures Series zum Gastvortrag von Tina Malina, Saša Spačal und Matic Potočnik.

Ljudmila, Art and Science Laboratory based in Ljubljana, engages in the development and popularisation of open culture, free licences and software, and in new ways of knowledge distribution, co-operation and DIY, DIWO and DITO practices.
In the short presentation, Tina Dolinšek, Art and Education Officer at Ljudmila, will present the latest Ljudmila art production, its counterpart in the local DIY scene and main directions for the future.
Ljudmila: wiki.ljudmila.org

One of the media artists at Ljudmila is Saša Spačal, who will present her latest projects Mycophone, Synergy, Myconnect and Liminoid with their conceptual backgrounds and technical hacks.

Saša works with living systems, both biological and technological. With her projects she raises fundamental questions about the nature of technology in the desire to expand the field of technology from hardware and software also to wetware by connecting mechanical, digital and organic logic. She creates installations for the post-human period in which a person acts as one of many elements in the ecosystem and not as a sovereign.

Her works have been presented at various international exhibitions and festivals and have been developed in collaboration with Kapelica Gallery, Multimedia Center Kibla and Ljudmila.

She is also a member of Theremidi Orchestra, an ongoing workshop that develops physical interfaces for generating sound, and one of the initiators of Čipke - an initiative for researching the conditions of women who are active in the context of science, technology and media art.

At the end of the artist talk Saša Spačal and Matic Potočnik will give a live demonstration with prototype of project Liminoid – augmented and virtual experience of disintegrating subjectivity.

Sasa: www.agapea.si

Myophone: mycophone.wordpress.com