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MEM International Experimental Arts Festival

11. bis 25. November 2018 Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spanien

Fabricio Lamoncha, PhD-Student bei Interface Cultures, zeigt im Rahmen des sechzehnten "MEM International Experimental Arts Festivals" sein Projekt “Jaula de Grillos”.

Fabricio Lamoncha, PhD-Student by Interface Cultures, will show his project “Jaula de Grillos” at the 16th MEM International Experimental Arts Festival.

Fabricio Lamoncha (Linz, Austria)

“Jaula de Grillos" is one in a series of artistic research projects on interspecies collaboration, based on the study and interpretation of the sensorial apparatus, as means of understanding their specific ‘umwelt’ (environment). “Jaula de Grillos, in particular, suggests a symbolic system of metabolic layers, following the idea of music and rhythm as social and cultural interfaces, as well as artefacts of ritual transcendence. With this work, the author, with the help of different audiovisual computer programming tools, attempts to establish a dialogue between a group of crickets, a human audience, and ‘x’ (our individual or collective ideas of whatever could stand outside our existential bubble).



© Fabricio Lamoncha