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New Aesthetic?

27. April bis 15. Mai 2015 QUT, Brisbane, Australia

Interface Cultures Studentin Chiara Esposito nimmt an der Ausstellung teil.

In 2011, artist James Bridle introduced the term “New Aesthetic” to articulate a concept referring to the increasing appearance of the visual language of digital technology and the Internet in the physical world, and the blending of the virtual and physical.

This exhibition, curated by Rachel Parson, presents works reflecting on the idea of a New Aesthetic, identifying new ways of comprehending the world via a technological lens, and interrogating its significance within contemporary cultural practice.

Featured artists include James Bridle, Timo Arnell, Jorn Knutsen, Einar Sneve, Martinussen, Martin Backes, Alison Burtch, Michael Candy, Tim Devine, Chiara Esposito, Benjamin Gaulon, Chris Handran, Brian House, Jodi, Naomi Kizner, Jherin Miller, Pierre Proske.
