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Niki Passath

Thinking About People Who Think Like Machines 10. Mai 2016

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Niki Passath im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.

„Unfortunately, the gap between machine thinking and human thinking can narrow in two ways, and when people begin to think like machines, we automatically achieve the goal of "machines that think like people", reaching it from the wrong direction.„
Haim Harari

Physicist, former President, Weizmann Institute of Science; Author, A View from the Eye of the Storm


Niki Passath
was born 1977 in Graz, Austria. In 1988, he began with violoncello studies, in 1995 with architecture and graduated in 2004 in digital art at the University of Applied Arts. He lives and works in Vienna.  He teaches at the University of Applied Arts „Interface design“, „Architecture of Light“ and „Public space and media“ works in different artistic media and cooperates in scientic research projects, for example the Bioart club „Pavilion 35“.