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OS Kantine on Technology as Subject Matter

26. März 2012, 13.00 bis 17.00 Uhr Interface Cultures, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3. OG

Attila Nemes hält im Rahmen der Interface Culture Lecture Series einen Workshop ab.
Participants have to prepare one or two questions about this topic because this guest lecture is not really a presentation but a conversation.

The aim of OS KANTINE is to help people build easy-to-apply ecosystems for sharing knowledge and food. OS KANTINE provides the opportunity to register for its events by offering to share food/knowledge. Participation is open to anyone who can offer and would like to receive: e.g. offering some ingredients and a recipe in exchange for particular knowledge e.g. how to use an online application successfully.

OS KANTINE offers to organize such exchange events: when people gather in a kitchen, around a table and cook dinner while sharing knowledge on preset topics.

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© Atilla Nemes