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21. Sept. 2017 bis 13. Jänner 2018 Etopia Center for Art & Technology, Zaragoza, Spain

Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau, Leitungsteam von Interface Cultures an der Kunstuniversität Linz, zeigen im Rahmen der Ausstellung ihre Interaktive Installation "Portrait on the Fly".

Portrait on the Fly - Interactive
The interactive installation consists of a monitor that shows a swarm of a few thousand flies. When a person positions himself in front of the monitor, the insects builds up the contour of the person. They begin to arrange and rearange themselves continously, thereby creating a recognizable likeness of the individual..
Posing in front of the monitor attracts the flies. Within seconds they invade the face, but even the slightest movement of the head or of parts of the face drives them off. The portraits are thus in constant flux, they construct and deconstruct. Portrait on the Fly is a commentary on our love for making pictures of ourselves (Selfie-Culture), it has to do with change, transience and impermanence.
