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Sankt Interface Day 2017

6. Dezember 2017, ab 18.00 Uhr Audimax und Dokapi, Domgasse 1, Linz

Die Abteilung interface Cultures lädt zum Sankt Interface Day

'Sankt Interface' is an artistic project organized by Interface Cultures which serves also as the annual celebration of our department. It is not a coincidence that it is celebrated around every ninth of December, the same day of 1968 when Douglas Engelbart did his ultra-famous conference, known today as “The Mother of All Demos”.

At Sankt Interface, academic conferences, artistic performances, exhibitions, concerts and a “Computer Mouse Award” conform a celebration transforming into a happening in which students, professors, and friends of Interface Cultures participate at the same level.

This year's event includes the keynote “The Imperial Interface Industry and its UTOPIA” by Christian Ulrik Andersen, Associate Professor at Aarhus University (Digital Design and Information Studies). Inspired by network and software culture his research addresses the intersection between software and cultural performativity. In this talk he returns to the history of critical interface design in the 1980s and 90s – from Scandinavian design’s collaboration with workers’ unions (the UTOPIA project) to tactical media and Internet culture. The intention is to reflect on what can be learned from these traditions, and how to repurpose their insights and techniques today.

But also Sankt Interface 2017  includes the intriguing art performance “The Geek Chefs”, a television cooking life show, starring the ecclectic artist duo gula gula. On this occasionn, the show is gula gula’s television debut, it will be noted for the presenters “espainsterreichish” dialect and relaxed style, and its use of jumpy, experimentally risky playful skills. Their Menu for Sankt Interface: Raspberry Pie, Floppy Schnitzel & Gebackene Mäuse

The third edition of the infamous ‘Computer Mouse Award‘ will close the event at Audimax and finally in Dokapi a series of live music performances with electronic instruments by Stefan Tiefengraber, Gabriela Gordillo and Enrique Tomás as well as some hot DJ sesions, will close the night.

18.00 bis 18.05 Uhr
; Welcome Sankt Interface 2017! Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer and Enrique Tomás
18.05 bis 19.00 Uhr; Keynote by Christian Ulrik Andersen: The Imperial Interface Industry and its UTOPIA
19.00 bis 19.20 Uhr;Art Performance by gula gula: The Geek Chefs
19.20 bis 20.00 Uhr; Computer Mouse Contest Award (apply by/until 04/12/2017)
20.00 bis 21.00 Uhr; Buffet & Getränke (in Dokapi) and Dj Session
21.00 bis 22.30 Uhr;  Concerts from Interface Cultures Students, Teachers & Friends: Stefan Tiefengraber, Gabriela Gordillo, Enrique Tomás and more…
22.30 Uhr -open end DJ sessions