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15. bis 17. Oktober 2015 Trbovlje, Slowenien

7th international festival of new media culture: THE INTEGRITY OF REALITY

Die Interface Cultures Studierenden César Escudero Andaluz und Tiago Martins nehmen am Festival teil.

"Interfight" by César Escudero Andaluz
César Escudero Andaluz studied Fine Arts and Architecture & Design at the University of Salamanca, Visual Arts and Multimedia at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Since 2011 he is researching at the Kunstuniversität Linz in Interface Culture LAB. Working in the field between users and interfaces.

Interfight is a series of physical bots, designed to complicate the relationship between systems, but also a paradoxical method to emphasizes the presence of the interfaces in our lives. They provide wrong information for tracking web site location, fighting against the design homogenization and GUI standards.Interfight is a physical, kinetic interface. It works by taking the human body capacitance as input, through conductive material, and interacts with another graphical interface on capacitive surfaces like touch-screens. The contact between both interfaces, cause a physical reaction (gravity, friction, vibration).Interfight becomes especially interesting when it behaves freely through the tablet operating system. It acts as intruder: clicking, opening and closing applications, taking decisions, collapsing social networks, typing random comments and posting then in your name.

"Syncretism" by Tiago Martins, Andrej Uduc
An interactive installation that uses the movement of visitors to mix together images of altars, shrines and places of worship, gathered through friends from around the world.The work portrays a continuous search for a set of beliefs which accommodate individual expectations and desires, navigating through both diversity and unity.Religious beliefs and practices can be dogmatic, but they are performed and perpetuated by living people. As people’s needs and views change over time, so may aspects and principles of belief change with them, to reflect newfound wisdom and/or challenge millenia-old tenets.

Photos by: Alberto Boem, Isidora Ficovic, Jams Huang, Pedro Lérias, Daniel Mabrouk, Bernard O’Hanlon, Jessica Parisi, pastafari.eu, Stefan Viehböck, Andrej Uduč
