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Technology & context of a full time sound practice

6. April 2017, 10.00 bis 12.00 Uhr Domgasse 1, 3. OG, IC Lectureroom DO0327

Interface Cultures lädt zum Workshop mit AGF / Antye Greie-Ripatti im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.

The artist explains a complex range of topics relevant for a practicing sound artist and curator such as technology, ethics, exhibition possibilities in 2017, promotion and marketing, digital space, gender, activism, networks and expands on her projects #sonicwilderness, #listentotheother and #languageisthemost & more.
Overview of projects: www.antyegreie.com
For Workshop please prepare questions for Q&A.

Antye Greie-Ripatti aka AGF
is a digital songwriter, sound artist & curator, composer, poet, feminist, activist. She has released 30 long player records and numerous collaborations and runs the production company and music label AGF PRODUCKTION.
In 2011 Greie-Ripatti founded the arts organization Hai Art in Hailuoto and practices as artistic director, executive producer and workshop leader. Since 2011 she works as independent sound curator.



AGF / Antye Greie-Ripatti