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Ricalcolo / Recalculating

12. Jänner bis 9. Februar 2020 Biblioteca Statale Isontina und belo189, Italien

Di territori computanti e dei loro attuatori analogici

Mind the Gap project, third edition

Die Abteilung Interface Cultures ist Partner des Ausstellungsprojektes.

Kunstuniversität Linz department Interface Cultures is partner of the exhibition project “Recalculating. Computing Territories and their Analog Actuators”, on show in Gorizia, Italy. The show features works from Interface Cultures student and alumni Sofia Braga, Andreas Zingerle and is curated by Interface Cultures team member Davide Bevilacqua.

The third edition of Mind the Gap, entitled Recalculating. Computing territories and their analog actuators is part of the contemporary art project born from the collaboration with the Basaglia Park in Gorizia, a place from which, in 1961, the Italian psychiatrist of the same name started his therapeutic and social revolution. The exhibition focuses on technological infrastructures and the relationship between individuals and technology, through the works of artists Sofia Braga, Emilio Vavarella and the KairUs collective - Linda Kronman and Andreas Zingerle.

Their works investigate the relationship between real and virtual worlds, reflecting on how the massive use of digital devices is inevitably changing our cognitive relationship with everyday reality. Bringing to the surface what happens immediately below the glossy interfaces of the devices we use every day, the works on display show the aesthetics, rhetoric and contradictions between the smart and dumb worlds and deconstruct the illusions and false hopes of digital development.

The project is curated by Davide Bevilacqua and organized by Altreforme with the support of the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. 

belo189, via Carducci 41, Gorizia, Italy
Biblioteca Statale Isontina, Via G. Mameli 12, Gorizia, Italy

More information about the project, the participating artists and the works on display:


Sofia Braga "You are running out of battery 2018 courtesy the artist"

Emilio Vavarella "Report a problem" 2012

Emilio Vavarella "The Google Trology. The Driver and the Cameras", 2012

KairUs "Panopticities", 2018