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Universität Organisation >  Institute >  Medien >  Tangible Interaction Design > Aktuelles & Rückblicke


15. Nov. 2018, 11.30 bis 14.30 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, Seminarraum Nr. 4.25

Tangible Music Lab lädt zum Workshop mit Thor Magnusson.


approaching experiential aspects of performing and designing musical instruments

Workshop by Thor Magnusson.

At this workshop participants will gain methods to analyse and design new electronic music instruments from the perspective of ergodynamics, a notion coined by Thor Magnusson. The terminology (together with related terms) offers a toolbox and methods to describe the experiential aspects of performing a musical instrument in the context of other embodied, historical and aesthetic facets. The workshop is an opportunity for practitioners working with sound to discuss their project ideas, and bring examples of work to present and analyse in an informal and open setting.

In particular, participants will learn how to analyse the experience of performing musical instruments or sound installations. With ergodynamics, we will gain methods to observe the particularities of our musical instruments. At the same time, this analysis will trigger new design patterns inspiring new musical instruments.


Workshop "Ergodynamics" mit Thor Magnusson