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25 FPS – International Festival of Experimental Film

20. bis 25. September 2011 SC Zagreb (Croatia)

Kuratiert von Tina Frank, Leitung von Grafik-Design und Fotografie an der Kunstuniversität Linz.

Tina Frank is member of the Grand Jury at 25 FPS – International Festival of Experimental Film in Zagreb. For the festival, she curated a filmscreening, focusing on early works in the field of graphic movies, mixed with current works including Tina Frank’s last release Vergence. Many of these videos have one thing in common: a special tendency to interact with music.

Graphic Movies
The selection shows films from people whose works were pioneering and set the way for many others to follow. Their mind was filled with a strong idea that needed a special technique, something not yet available, to make this idea visible.
It is this vision of producing new experiences, of creating the means to visualize their ideas that one can feel in all these films. Graphic Movies are – generally speaking – moving images that use a simplified, abstracted and graphic language. They are not narratives telling a story with a clear strand of a plot, it is the intense experience of form and color in combination with sound that tells a story beyond the classical narrative space. Their reduced formal language follows minimalist claims. By using abstraction all those little things that distract from the very idea are eliminated. And yet we experience worlds much more intense than they seem at first, featuring simple, geometric patterns. They create a special atmosphere rising up through the illustrated shapes and colors.
The selection shows Len Lye’s Colorfield, a film made in 1939 that showcases his hand-painted and stenciled imagery. It also features cornerstones of digital creation from the late 1960s to 1980 (Stan VanDerBeek’s Poemfield No. 2, Calculated Movements from Larry Cuba and Spiral PTL from Dan Sandin and Tom deFanti) as well as movies with a clear and minimalist graphic notion (Norman McLaren’s Synchromy, Robert Breer’s film Fuji) together with three austrian works from 2010 (Lia’s Machination 84, Stuck in a Groove from Clemens Kogler and Vergence, a movie by Tina Frank and Florian Hecker).
