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Schnittstelle x 63

30. November 2022, 18.15 Uhr Lecture Theatre, 4. OG, Hauptplatz 8, 4020 Linz

Vortrag von 101 Coding im Rahmen der Gastvortragsreihe „Schnittstelle“ der Visuellen Kommunikation.

101 is a design studio focused on branding and coding based in Vienna, Austria.The studio examines and creates visual identities with a conceptional approach, generating both digital and analog communication systems. In the process, 101 develops or redefines the interaction of businesses and their users online and offline. The studio strongly believes that the visual concept of a brand should touch all channels.Next to their commissioned work for companies and institutions mainly in arts and cultures, 101 also initiates personal projects, such as the publication Instant Doodles (2019) or the platform Screen Austria (coming soon). For more information visit 101.at.

Schnittstelle x 63 mit 101 Coding, 2022