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worstoffgallery sucht eure Arbeiten!

Einsendeschluss: 25. Juni 2022

Ein künstlerisches Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Lena Kralicek, Lisa Parzl und Sebastian Dorner im Rahmen der LV „Labor II (Corporate Communication)“ mit Tina Frank, Nik Thönen, Mira Löw zum Thema Togetherness und Enttabuisierung des Scheiterns im Designprozess.

Often in graphic design we do only celebrate our best works, but forget about all the good ideas that get lost in the process, the fails we need to become better and our designs, which simply got rejected by clients or juries. Now it’s time to embrace the failings, the process, the rejection and the unwanted designs and we would love to show of your artworks. Take part in shifting the mindset from only showing your best work to showing the path of trail and error and participate by sending us your designs on Instagram @worstoffgallery or to worstoffgallery@gmx.at.