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Kurt Hentschläger

13. März 2019, 14.00 Uhr Domgasse 1, 4. OG, Zeitbasiertes Wohnzimmer

We´re glad to have Kurt Hentschläger as a guest at our „wednesday-class“!
For the lecture he will focus on his immersive works. It will be held in English.

*New York based Austrian artist Kurt Hentschläger creates immersive, audiovisual installations and performances

Hentschläger’s works have characteristically been visceral and immersive, as in ZEE and FEED, with extreme perceptual effects, composed from light, sound and fog. These works physiologically affect the viewer’s experience. His CLUSTER series builds on the uncanny, by portraying 3D representations of humanoid creatures that can only exist in dynamic flux, seeming to swirl and flow like the wind, apparently unhinged from the screen that they are projected on. His most recent, emerging body of work including MEASURE and ORT is tracing the concept of nature and appropriation of nature in the 21st century.



FEED.X, Immersive Performance, 2018