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LiWoLi 2012 - Art Meets Radical Openness

24. bis 26. Mai 2012 I/O Stadtwerkstatt, Kirchengasse, Linz, Austria

Die Mitorganisatoren Zeitbasierte Medien und Interface Cultures laden zum Event.


LiWoLi is a community festival, open lab and annual meeting spot for artists, educators and developers using and creating Free Software (FLOSS), Open Hardware and Open Design in the artistic and cultural context. This event is all about sharing artistic skills, code and knowledge within the public domain and discussing the challenges of an open practice.

This year's edition will have a special focus on artworks that can be created, performed or exhibited outdoors and in public space. Like every year, numerous activities such as lectures, workshops and audiovisual performances will take place during the course of this three-day festival.

Preview of guests: open Design www.open-design.at/: Ronen Kadushin, Greg Saul, Peter Kirn,  Beste Nazilli, LiWoLi: Heath Bunting, Eleanor Greenhalgh, Theremini Orchestra (Tina Dolinšek, Luka Frelih, Ida Hiršenfelder, Dare Pejić, Borut Savski, Tilen Sepič, Saša Spačal, Robertina Šebjanič, Matic Urbanija, Dušan Zidar.), Onyx Ashanti (pending), Jakub Pisek & Beata Kolbasovska & Erik Bartos, Augsut Black,  Dimtry Kleiner, Felix Stalder, David Young, Victor Mazon, Cimbalab (Constanza Piña Pardo,  Claudia Gonzalez, EXPANDERR, Michael Schweiger, Awkward Family Photos (Orestis Plakias, Niko Palamares, Kyriakos Tsoukalas), Linda Hilfling, Malte Steiner & Servando Barreiro, Mey Lean Kronemann

pending: we are in the middle of planing travels and clear out details.

swarm, perform, explore - How to sense the City?
Activities are welcome which have a scientific and/or artistic-cultural approach by developing and using tools for urban hacking, digital street art, public interventions, social spaces, community sensor networks, guerilla communication, wardriving, surveillance, schwarzfahren, open data, mapping,...

Artists, developers and educators are invited to present their work in order to share their ideas, skills, code, products and experience within a workshop, presentation and/or outdoor activities.

We are interested in scientific, philosophical and political lectures dealing with the challenges of open practices, investigating the economy of open systems, exploring new ways of living and producing.


Audiovisual artists, composers and musicians using FLOSS, Open Hardware or hacked toys as well as live-coding acts are welcome to perform at a great venue in the Stadtwerkstatt stwst.at with the best sound-equipment in town! The performances will be recorded and published in the free radio-archive cba.fro.at under a Creative Commons license.

LiWoLi is an independently organized event, but will be able to provide at least basic support regarding accommodation, travel and fees. LiWoLi 2012 is organised by servus.at in cooperation with the Timebased Media department and the Interface Culture Lab, VaLUG

Fundings by: Kunstuniversität Linz, BM:UKK www.bmukk.gv.at/kunst/index.xml

Partners & Network: Piet Zwart Institute Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University, Piksel Festival, Creative Region Linz, dorftv, Eleonore Radio FRO, to be continued


© Christoph Haag LAFKON

Plakat © Christoph Haag LAFKON