12. bis 17. April 2011
Der Film von Zih-Cin Ciou, Absolventin der Zeitbasierten Medien, wurde für das Programm "Local Artists" im Rahmen des Crossing Europe Filmfestivals ausgewählt.
This is a story from a student.
She is studying in Austria and learnig about the new life in Europe.
This is very interesting for the student.
She would like to share the feelings with her family.
So she decides to take her grandma to Europe.
But her grandma is so old and the student only has little money.
So she has to ask her family.
In the video she is looking for the endorsement and suggestions from her family.
Could she change the traditional idea?
Could her grandma go to Austria?
Ermäßigte Akkreditierungen für Studierende sind bis 22. März 2011 möglich.