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Security For Artists with Heath Bunting

1. April 2014 ab 13.00 Uhr Wohnzimmer Zeitbasierte Medien, Sonnensteinstr. 11-13, Urfahr, 2.OG

Offener Workshop der Abteilung Zeitbasierten Medien in Kooperation mit servus.at.

13.00 Uhr Introduction "Security for Artists"
The workshop will develop security strategies for artists to guard against anticipated occupational risks each participant will be expected to present a risk scenario and possible security solution.

I will be offering some personal examples of past and future threats and also some responsive techniques of guarding eg: intimacy based communications encryption (H.B.)

14.00 Uhr - Indoor: exchanging experiances & knowhow around digital Security?

Practical Tactics: topics such as anonymous browsing and encryption
15.00 Uhr- translate security into street level activities /outdoor open end.

Whether Bunting is climbing trees, skateboarding, canoeing or working with technology he approaches it all with the same critical attention. He hacks around systems, physical or digital. Right from when he built his first computer at the age of 14, his life has beennan experimental research project. His practice consists of a drynsense of humour and an edgy, minimal-raw aesthetic, mixed with a hyper-awareness of his own artistic persona and agency in the world, whilst engaging with complex political systems, institutions and social contexts.


© art meets radical openness 2012