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Genevieve Howard, Studierende bei Fashion & Technology, ist in der Kategorie Emerging Makers Winners and Recipients unter den Gewinnern des FUTURE MAKERS Award 2020.

Winner: Studio Support
Title: ‘River’ Neckpiece
Materials: Japanese Linen Paper & Elastic Cord
Dimensions: 4cm x 26cm x 26cm
Photography: Hannah Levy

Awarding makers, designers and craftspeople who will shape the future.   Future Makers offers a range of awards and supports to students and emerging makers. It is one of the largest prize-funded award programmes in Europe. ​
Future Makers is a Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) initiative which recognises talent, potential and creativity. Its aim is to support the next generation of makers, designs and craftspeople to take the step from training into enterprise. Divided into student and emerging practitioner categories and covering a wide range of disciplines, the Future Makers programme recognises and rewards vision, innovation and excellence in both making and the creative process among students and recent graduates. This is a crucial time in the career path of young makers and Future Makers creates a platform to showcase talent, as well as providing much needed financial support.



‘River’ Neckpiece © Genevieve Howard, 2020