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New materialisms: matter, making and design imaginaries

4. November 2021, 17.30 Uhr Online via Zoom

Fashion & Technology lädt zum Talk mit Katharina Sand & Veronica Ranner.

Online via Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting-ID: 842 9060 3102
Kanncode: 431578

Recent and emerging technologies spawn new materials, processes, and new ways of conceiving matter and design. New materialism responds through a theoretical and practical 'turn to matter'. It emphasises the world's materiality in its social, natural and technical dimensions. How might this transdisciplinary way of thinking and acting help situate the latest developments in fashion, industry, and science?

Katharina Sand
Professor at the Fashion Department of UQAM (Montreal) and PhD Candidate in Digital Fashion Communication at USI (Lugano). She has taught at Parsons Paris, SCAD, HEAD-Geneva, and the Fashion & Technology Department of the Kunstuniversität Linz. She co-curated the exhibition Making FASHION Sense at the House of Electronic arts in Basel, and is a frequent speaker at international fashion conferences.

Veronica Ranner explores transdisciplinary interfaces between design, science, technology, society and ecology. Through her practice, she develops speculative and experimental methods for the constructive, collective design of futures. She teaches and exhibits internationally and is currently completing a PhD at the Royal College of Art in London.


Katharina Sand

Veronica Ranner