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Vortrag von Henriette Waal

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011, 10.00 Uhr Hörsaal Architektur, Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 8, 4. Stock

Im Rahmen des Semesterprojektes „Urbane Injektionen“ der Studienrichtung Architektur | Urbanistik hält die niederländische Künstlerin Henriette Waal einen Vortrag über verschiedene Projekte im und zum öffentlichen Raum. Aktuell betreut Henriette Waal die so genannte „Akademie Naschmarkt“, ein experimentelles Labor für die Entwicklung neuer Praxen rund um den Naschmarkt in Wien in Zusammenarbeit mit der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien. 

Henriette Waal
is an independent public space designer interested in local culture, practise, signs and stories in relation to the public domain. She studied at the Design Academy Eindhoven (NL), department Man and Public Space and she collaborated in public space assignments with Studio Makkink & Bey (Rianne Makkink & Jurgen Bey, NL). She is focused on how art and culture can affect every day life. In her projects Waal combines on-site fieldwork research with a strongly conceptual approach. Her works take shape from inside, out of a specific place and its users. People are her main material. Besides active physical interventions she produces image, film and text that influence the way we use and experience its subject or place. In 2008 she co-founded the Wilde Westen group, which, together with Marjetica Potrč, developed
The Cook, The Farmer, his Wife and their Neighbor: a community kitchen and a community garden in New West Amsterdam. The project won the 3rd prize Squatcity Urbaninform-competition 2009 – IABR (www.urbaninform.net) and was selected for the dutch Landscape Architecture Yearbook 2010. As part of the Wiener Festwochen 2010 she launched the project Market Academy Naschmarkt, an experimental academy-model and social instrument for regeneration of the Naschmarkt in Vienna. Currently she researching our relation to ‘nature’ and food in the city in different projects.


"Beauty Adventure Gallery" © Henriette Waal

"Drinking Sloterplas: where I produced beer and energy drinks from purified canalwater in collaboration with residents of the area © Henriette Waal

MAN: Market Academy Naschmarkt © Henriette Waal