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CLUB20 Diskussion

10. November 2021, 19.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 6, 4. OG, Sofahörsaal

Architektur:zoomtown lädt zum Vortrag und Diskussionsabend mit Dr. Barnabas Calder.


Form Follows Fuel: Architectural history and energy

The habitability of our planet depends on radical revisions to our energy systems, and architecture (39% of all climate change emissions) is at the centre of the challenge. Barnabas Calder will make the case that architecture has, as far back as we can trace the existence of buildings, been determined more closely by energy systems than by any other factor.

Barnabas Calder is head of the Architectural and Urban History Research Group at the University of Liverpool School of Architecture. He is author of Architecture: From Prehistory to Climate Emergency (Pelican, 2021), and Raw Concrete: The Beauty of Brutalism (William Heinemann, 2016).

Personenanzahl: soviel die Raumbelegungsobergrenze zulässt
Veranstaltungssprache: englisch

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Bernard Rose Photography

Caption, if needed, 'The Barbican Estate, London, Chamberlin Powell and Bon, 1959-83', credit 'Gingerhead Design'

Dr. Barnabas Calder