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Ausstellung NOT WELCOME

Univ.Prof. Ton Matton und die Univ.-Ass. Corina Forthuber und Antoine Turillon sind mit Studierenden von raum&designstrategien in Fortaleza, Brasilien auf Forschungsreise und gestalteten die Ausstellung NOT WELCOME im Museum Sobrado Dr. Jose Lorenco in Fortaleza.
Ausstellungsdauer: bis 23. April 2016

With his concept of 'Brazilianization of the West ', the German sociologist Ulrich Beck set Brazil as an unwelcome near future example of neoliberal Utopia. With an informal economy, a welfare state in trouble and the large gap between the rich and the poor. Beck sees Brasil no longer as a developing country, but places it in the role of leading society. Not as the society we want in Europe, but as a society we are irrevocable heading towards.

When invited to São Paulo in the nineties to exhibit at the Biennale, the same impression came up: this city is showing where european urban planning is heading to. Some years later, as participant of Arte/Cidade (curated by Nelson Brissac Peixoto), Brazilian urban planning served as an example for Europe's development in the project 'Praia dé Bràs‘. Was it a welcome or an unwelcome situation?

Right now Europa is shaking on its fundaments. Refugees are coming in by thousands, and thus provoking polemical questions and feelings that we thought belonged to previous generations. Together with eleven students from the department of  Space&DesignStrategies we take Brasil as a case study to understand a certain welcoming-culture. Because of its national pride of being post-racial, as Gilberto Freyre pointed out, where positive elements permeate the Brazilian cultural formation because of miscegenation, especially between Portuguese, Indians and blacks.

What can we learn from the Welcome-Culture in Brasil, and what can we bring back to Austria?  Are the questions we worked on during the 10 days workshop in Museo Sobrado Dr. Jose Lorenco in Fortaleza. We soon found out that the miscegenation alone is not enough to create a welcome culture, it need fences and walls as well. The gate around our garden to prevent wild-life from eating our crops and chicken, became a gated community for the winners of neo-liberal globalization. Brazilians make the joke that burglars walk free (or sit in parliament) and inhabitants are prisoners, in their security system homes caught behind bars.

Our goal of this research workshop is to study Brazilian welcome culture. Study means to doubt, to question, to doubt even harder and to re-question even more.     

So please feel welcome to visit NOT WELCOME


Pressemitteilungen brasilianischer Medien zur Ausstellung



11 students, 2 assistants and a professor, the team of Art university Linz, space&designstrategies.

every student wrote 1 what's-app message a day about welcome culture in Brazil.