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on how to be a monument

Mittwoch 18. Juni 2014, 19.00 Uhr raum&designstrategien Reindlstraße 16-18, 4040 Linz

raum&designstrategien laden zum Vortrag von Sharone Lifschitz.

Sharon Lifschitz - on how to be a monument
Since the turn of the millennium, Sharone Lifschitz (born in Israel, 1971; lives in London) has created a compelling body of work that addresses the themes of memory, identity, and language. Employing a range of media, Lifschitz investigates the relationship that we have with our individual and collective pasts and explores multifaceted aspects of human interactions and the language that facilitates them. To that end, she has devised imaginative strategies for propelling herself into the world. Her tools include advertisements placed in newspapers in order to meet people; and systematic journeys undertaken by train, bus, and Underground. Traveling has brought her into contact with a variety of people as she seeks “the perfect encounter.” The ensuing conversations have provided Lifschitz with the raw material for much of her art. Along the way, she has made use of everyday activities—traveling, eating, sleeping, talking—as the means for making art and understanding the world.

Lifschitz is interested in the complex interchange between individual experience and political engagement—in the ways in which personal and public concerns find expression within the urban fabric. The temporary interventions within Munich’s public spaces that she has designed raise questions about the role of monuments, the connection between what is present and what is absent within the contemporary urban reality, and the relationship between people and memorials. Together, the four projects created for Munich suggest an alternative way of engaging memory within the public spaces of German cities.

Einladung/Plakat: © raum&designstrategien