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WAAAW, World Artists Agency Against War

9. November 2022, 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr raum&designstrategien, 1. OG Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz und ONLINE

Seminar zum Projektstart bei raum&designstrategien WS 2022/23

webexlink: kuni-linz.webex.com/kuni-linz

Stalker, the context, the practice, the theory and the people
a series of seminars with Lorenzo Romito exploring 30 years of Stalker practices and strategies: crossing cultural and political borders, creative conflict management, strategies in contested territories with marginalized and oppressed communities. Each appointment will feature, live or online, guest artists who have shared Stalker's practice over time and artists who through their practices are struggling against war and oppression.



10.00 am to 11.15 am
NWRZ, the new day Stalker's practice with Afghan, Kurdish and Iranian refugee communities in Rome: from Ararat to Ostiensistan (1999 - 2022)
Lorenzo Romito with Giulia Fiocca, Jacopo Gallico and Celeste Nicoletti

11.30 am-1pm
Jin Jiyan Azadi woman, life and freedom Artists in the struggle: Afghanistan, Kurdistan and Iran. with Helia Hamedani, art historian, Rome. Morteza Khaleghi, artist, Rome, and the screening of “Blue Freedom” by Zehra Dogan, artist, Berlin.

Ararat/Stalker Tappeto Volante 2000

Zehra Dogan, Blue Feedom 2016