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Videogastvortrag Young Joon Kwak

15. Dezember 2020, 18.00 Uhr zoom.us

Die Abteilung Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Gastvortrag von Young Joon Kwak.

Zoom meeting
Anfragen zu Passwort und Meeting-ID bitte an: thea.moeller@ufg.at
(Betreff: meeting ID 24.11.)

Young Joon Kwak works primarily through sculpture, performance, video, and collaboration. Kwak's work reimagines the form, functionality, and materiality of objects in order to propose different ways of viewing and interpreting bodies and the physical and social spaces that govern our everyday lives as mutable, inclusive, and open-ended. Kwak is the founder of Mutant Salon, a roving beauty salon/platform for experimental performance collaborations with their community of queer, trans, femme, POC artists and performers. Kwak has presented solo and collaborative exhibitions and performances internationally at institutions including Cerritos College Art Gallery (2020), Wattis Institute (2019), Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre (2018), the Art Museum of the National University of Colombia, Bogotá (2018), The Broad (2016), Hammer Museum (2016), and REDCAT (2014). Selected group exhibitions have been held at Serendipity Arts Festival, Goa, India (2018), Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (2018), and Le Pavillon Vendôme Centre d’Art Contemporain, Clichy, France (2015). Kwak is the 2020-2021 Artist-in-Residence in Critical Race Studies at Michigan State University. Kwak is the recipient of the Korea Arts Foundation of America’s Award for the Visual Arts (2020), Rema Hort Mann Foundation’s Emerging Artist Grant (2018), and Art Matters Grant (2016). Kwak has taught at University of California, San Diego, California Institute of the Arts, and served as a Mentor in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Low-Residency MFA Program. Kwak’s work has been reviewed and featured in Artforum, ARTnews, Artillery Magazine, BOMB Magazine, Hyperallergic, and LA Times, among others.

Plakat zum Vortrag von Young Joon Kwak

ATTACK SUSTAIN RELEASE DECAY (performance still), 2015, Honor Fraser Gallery, Los Angeles, California. Photo: Brandon Jardine