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Afra Sönmez, Nursinem Aslan

"ONISMA" © Afra Sönmez, Nursinem Aslan, Installation, Performance, 2020
Soundscape, Cities A textile organism as an electronic instrument.
The meaning of the word ‘onism’ comes from the frustration caused by the awareness of being bound to one body that can inevitably experience only one place at a time. “ONISMA” offers a way to overcome this new feeling by offering the audience the possibility to escape the place in which they feel stuck, to reach a different one. A sound journey is activated through an electronic organism fed by urban sounds, which offers the audience an alternative way to walk through various cities. Church bells, birds, subway announcements, etc. become the foundation of a new experience of the urban landscape, allowing us to overcome our bodily limitations. Afra Sönmez
is an electronic textile designer/researcher who integrates technology with craft, fashion, and traditional methods. Her works contain different types of e-textile examples such as kinetic/e-textile costumes, wearable games, and instruments/controllers.
www.afrasonmez.com Nursinem Aslan
is a multidisciplinary artist who combines the subject of nature with technology. After studying this in various areas and techniques, her interest in new media art and interactive systems increased. She experiments with sound design, autonomous systems, generative art, and video mapping.
nursinemaslan.xyz Interface Cultures Exhibition - Ars Electronica Festival 2020
"ONISMA" © Afra Sönmez, Nursinem Aslan, Installation, Performance, 2020

Installation, Performance, 2020
Interface Cultures