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Post-humanity Zoo

Fist Chapter: Frog's World

Ahmad Aiuby 

Post-humanity Zoo: FIST CHAPTER: FROG'S WORLD © Ahmad Aiuby

In 20xx, a deadly pandemic outbreak killed 60% of humanity. A disaster has led a group of zoologists and environmentalists to build a zoo as an archive of what capitalism/humans have done to our environment, which caused this pandemic. Post-humanity zoo is a multisensory installation uses the zoo as system and environment at the intersection of nature, wildlife and urbanity, exploring the potential role they might play in preventing the next pandemic. Frog's world is the 1st chapter of this zoo.

Die Arbeit Post-humanity Zoo wird im Rahmen der Campusausstellung NOUS - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2024 gezeigt.

Installation, 2024
Interface Cultures