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Jörg Klenk

Kunst.Forschung | PhD
Oktober 2024

Sunny work break in Lisbon

Erasmus Staff Mobility for Training

Mobilität durchgeführt an folgender Universität / Institution | Mobility carried out at the following university / institution: 
Centre for Research in Anthropology CRIA / Universidade NOVA de Lisboa / Instituto Universitário de Lisboa ISCTE

Zeitraum | Duration of stay: 21.10. - 25.10.2024

Abteilung an der Kunstuniversität | Department at the University of Arts Linz: Kunst.Forschung | PhD

Meine Erfahrungen / Mehrwert / Ergebnis der Mobilität | My experience / added value / outcome of the mobility: 
My second ERASMUS+ Staff Exchange involved job shadowing, which gave me the invaluable opportunity to observe my mentor's work and how she collaborates with colleagues from different departments and universities. The intense exchange on good practices and tools to support our work, as well as understanding the differences in organisational logics and connecting in person with administrative staff and researchers, helped me understand the peculiarities of our university. I also learned ways to improve our processes and appreciate the benefits of working in a relatively smaller organisation (more than 20,000 students are enrolled at NOVA).

I met numerous professionals who were kind and eager to share their knowledge and engage in constructive dialogue about their processes and challenges. ERASMUS+ is an invaluable opportunity to reflect on my own work and learn from and with excellent colleagues and human beings in an international context.