zum Inhalt

Tiago Miguel Santos Martins

Interface Cultures, Institute for Media
März 2023

Torre de Belém, one of many iconic monuments in Lisbon related to the Age of Discoveries.
If you like pastries as much as I do, I promise you won’t be disappointed. Some of these are in “mini” size, so you can try one of each - and feel less guilty afterwards.

Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching

Mobilität durchgeführt an folgender Universität / Institution:
Institution:Mobility carried out at the following university / institution:
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (FBAUL) Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon

Zeitraum / Duration of stay:
10.03.2023 to 20.03.2023 (travel dates) 13.03.2023 to 17.03.2023 (teaching dates)

Name / Name:  Tiago Miguel Santos Martins

Abteilung an der Kunstuniversität / Department of the University of Arts:

Interface Cultures, Institute for Media

Meine Erfahrungen / Mehrwert / Ergebnis der Mobilität:
My experience / added value / outcome of the mobility:

I had a lovely time at the FBAUL. The university building is right in the middle of Lisbon’s busy downtown area, with lots of places to explore and wander through, and plenty of good food and pastries. This exchange was an opportunity to introduce Linz, the Kunstuni and Interface Cultures as potential destination for exchange to both staff and students, illustrating with some of my previous works and experiences at Interface Cultures; to teach, advise and encourage students working with Virtual Reality as a medium, understand their struggles and how they learn about the necessary tools; and to exchange thoughts about the broader inclusion of VR and AR courses or workshops in the curriculum of digital media-related study programs.

Message an Kolleg*innen / Message to collegues:

If you have never visited Lisbon, I definitely recommend - although I grew up nearby, so I am obviously biased. The university is right in the middle of the very busy old downtown area, and just begs to be explored. Lisbon has become an active hub for start-ups, digital nomads and other folks who appreciate the easy-going atmosphere, food and human warmth. The faculty itself has roots a couple of centuries old, with its historic location serving as an excellent backdrop to the many activities there. Much like the Kunstuni, it offers courses not only in the fine arts but also in areas related to industrial design and digital media; and is frequented by very friendly and helpful people.