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We´re Like Crystal

08.11.2017, 19.00 Uhr; Aussstellung bis 15.12.2017 Galerie Raum mit Licht, Kaiserstrasse 32, 1070 Wien

Karin Fisslthaler - We´re Like Crystal 
„We’re like crystal, we break easy“ This is the melancholic metaphor that opens the song by the rock band New Order, released in 2001. Contrary to the programmatic label, the text tells of the instability of relationships and an immense yearning for love. The never-ending call “keep it coming, keep it coming” leaves the image of an emotionally unfulfilled world that has lost its closeness.   It seems that Karin Fisslthaler is looking for a visual echo to this metaphor in her artistic work. Deeply cinematically influenced, one thing resonates above all else for her in the picture of the crystal: the Deleuzian definition of the filmic crystal image with its thousand-fold refractions. Things that seem to have been taken from other times and spaces are particularly important. On the back of them, memories and associations unfold. They break open the experience of the present. At the same time, however, they enclose the individual in his or her personal experience horizon. Threats to subjective stability or, in other words, the fragility of human existence are also an issue here. - excerpt from the exhibition text written by Heidrun Rosenberg                 
