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Work With

07.09. bis 26.09.2010 Vancouver, Canada

Ausstellungsbeteiligung von Sabine Bitter

Work With
Visual Art Faculty Exhibition
Sabine Bitter, Allyson Clay, Elspeth Pratt, Judy Radul, Jin-me Yoon

Audain Gallery SFU Woodward's, Vancouver, Canada
7. September - 26. September 2010


This exhibition serves as an introduction to the work of the five faculty of the Visual Art Program at the School for the  Contemporary Arts. While their practices cover a range of media and interests they share the conviction that their work as artists is fundamental to their teaching. The works featured in the exhibit chronicle paths of inquiry through materials, research, theory and practical experience. Artwork is a conduit between teacher and student, not least because the struggles the student experiences in creating an artwork, is never, in fact overcome. Rather, art is itself the preservation of this struggle. As a result, the Audain Gallery becomes another component of the learning environment, for the students, teachers and the community near and far.