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Cristina Ricupero

11. März 2009, 19.00 Uhr Kollegiumgasse 2, Audimax

Cristina Ricupero: "From Cultural Populism to Cultural Tourism"

During the presentation Cristina Ricupero will introduce her work as an anternational curator through important exhibition projects such as "Fundamentalisms of the New Order", "Populism" and the "Gwangju Biennial" 2006.

Cristina Ricupero is an independent curator based in Paris.
She is currently working on several international exhibitions.
Amongst them, a new biennial involving a number of art academies in Europe
which will take place in Trondheim-Norway in 2009.
Other exhibition projects include one for the Kunstverein Düsseldorf
and Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo as well as projects in Brazil.
In 2006 she was commissioned to cover the European section of the Gwangju Biennale in South Korea,
which opened on September 8, 2006.
She also compiled a film-video programme for that year’s Frieze Art Fair
as part of Frieze Art Projects.
She worked as a curator at NIFCA- the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art in Helsinki
from 2000-2005 and also as Associate Director of Exhibitions at the ICA in London
from 2000 until 2004.
One of her most important projects for NIFCA was a major exhibition project she
curated with Nicolaus Schafhausen and Lars Bang Larsen called “Populism”.
Another important exhibition was called "Fundamentalisms of the New Order", 2002.


Image by Jean-François Moriceau & Petra Mrzyk